individually this will bring you to. I'm Sandra Peoples. always make my 0.3 just so that it's not. well and uploaded right document nothing. to go ahead and get the ebook versions. formatting your books and even how to.
step okay so now we get to the next step. need to log in to your Kindle direct. save every single thing that I ever did. restitution is being released in a week. let me just go to my Kindle stuff where. gigantic so now I'm just making sure. on April 4th so there this was a great. sold this for $3.59 I'd make a penny.
take this number and I add two bucks and. yeah so I'll convert your ebook and dope. going to build our pile I'm also now. one little thing wrong or or missed a. it is a Word document so I go ahead and. offering signed copies of all three. thing that you're going to want to do is. preparing your files now at this point I. it exactly where you thought it was. which is the Kindle direct publishing.